The Joy of Being a Product Manager

A couple of weeks ago, we held a product discovery session to introduce a newly released feature.

During the session, a customer updated their app and saw the feature for the first time. Witnessing their immediate happiness was priceless, and their enthusiastic and positive feedback was incredibly heartening.

The customer was so excited about the new update that they couldn’t wait to share the news with their colleagues as soon as possible.

Similarly, for my master’s graduation project, I designed and developed an exergame.

The game was exhibited for a month, and every day the daughter of the exhibition’s curator ran towards the game and played with it for a long time. It was an amazing experience to watch her play with the product and see how it brought her happiness and enjoyment.

As a product manager, I love seeing the joy and excitement on a user’s face when they discover a feature or product that improves their life. It’s an indescribable feeling that makes all the hard work and effort worthwhile.