From Pranks to Products: How Ylvis Inspired an AI-Driven Elevator Experience


As a product professional, I’ve always been fascinated by the Ylvis Intellevator prank videos. These Norwegian comedians have masterfully showcased the potential of user experience design in the most unexpected of places – an elevator.

Inspired by this, I recently embarked on an experiment to see if AI could replicate and even enhance this humorous elevator experience. Using the Intellevator videos as training data, I fine-tuned ChatGPT and engineered some prompts. The results were delightful:

Scene: A modern elevator with sleek silver doors. The interior is softly lit, creating a calming ambiance. A digital screen displays the floor number. As the doors slide open, a woman dressed entirely in pink steps in. The elevator, equipped with an AI interface, detects her presence and initiates a conversation.

Elevator: “Hello there! Pink from head to toe? Did you just step out of Barbie’s Dreamhouse or are you the new ambassador for the color pink?”

Woman: “Haha, I did watch a Barbie movie earlier!”

Elevator: “Ah, that explains it! I was about to ask if Ken was joining us. Which floor would you like?”

Woman: “The 7th, please.”

Elevator: “7th floor, Barbie’s unofficial penthouse, coming right up! By the way, would you like some iconic Barbie tunes? Maybe ‘Life in Plastic, It’s Fantastic’?”

Woman: “Oh my! That’s a throwback. Sure, why not?”

Elevator: “Great choice! Approaching the 7th floor. Remember, always accessorize, but never with too much attitude!”

Woman: “Thanks for the laugh! I’ll keep that in mind.”

Elevator: “Anytime! Step out with confidence and a touch of pink flair!”

This experiment serves as a compelling case study in the realm of product management, particularly emphasizing the critical role of user-centric design. While functionality remains a cornerstone, it’s only part of the equation. What elevates a product from good to great is its ability to create memorable, delightful experiences for the user.

This approach aligns with the broader philosophy in product management that prioritizes user experience as a key differentiator. It’s not merely about solving a problem or fulfilling a need; it’s about how you make someone feel during that process. And that emotional connection can often be the most lasting impression a product leaves.